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TwentyThree™ API

API Method: /api/live/log

Pull a list of actions that happened on the stream, for example streaming, broadcasting and recording with start and end times.

The method also return a Bayeux/Faye server and channel that allow you to listen for further events on the stream.


live_id The live event to pull actions for.
start_time Limit to actions after this start time.
end_time Limit to actions before this end time.
event_types Limit to this space-seperated list of events.
concatenate_seconds Merge or concatenate events of the same type together if they happened within a certain number of seconds of each other.

Permission level

The minimum required permission level is:


Example XML Response

<response status="ok" permission_level="read" p="1" size="173" total_count="173" cached="0" realtime_url="//" realtime_channel="/09c1de3aa9fdc82befa9fec9cf5b29e0dd9dee62/events" timezone_offset="1">
    <log live_id="4580158" event="broadcasting" start_time="1414659998" end_time="1414660067" start_time__date="October 30, 2014" start_time__time="10:06" end_time__date="October 30, 2014" end_time__time="10:07"/>
    <log live_id="4580158" event="broadcasting" start_time="1414660134" end_time="1414660134" start_time__date="October 30, 2014" start_time__time="10:08" end_time__date="October 30, 2014" end_time__time="10:08"/>

Example JSON Response

  "status": "ok", 
  "onelog":[{"live_id": "4580158", "event": "broadcasting", "start_time": "1414659998", "end_time": "1414660067", "start_time__date": "October 30, 2014", "start_time__time": "10:06", "end_time__date": "October 30, 2014", "end_time__time": "10:07"},
  "p": "1",
  "size": "173",
  "total_count": "173",
  "site": {...},
  "endpoint": "/api/live/log"