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The Video Marketing Meetup 2018

January 11th, 2018

Register for the meetup here.

Video is everywhere. It’s the majority of a Facebook timeline, shows up on Google search results, and finds its way to almost every website to market a certain product or offering. An oft repeated statistic is that by 2019, video will account for 80% (Cisco) of all website traffic. Because of that reality, we’re building a video marketing meetup to bring the best minds in marketing and production together for discussions that will help guide brands in 2018 and beyond.

Our first two meetups will take place in San Francisco and Copenhagen (in February), with more cities coming in the next few months. In San Francisco, we’ve partnered with video production automation software FirstCut, and will feature panelists from Branch, SaaStrAffinity Inc and Engagio. Here’s a quick video breaking down of what you can expect at our meetups:

Whether you’re an experienced marketing manager, social media strategist, CMO, or just getting started using video to engage your audience, these meetups will cover detailed use cases from top brands, insight into measurement, and predictions for where video is headed.

Register here for our meetup in San Francisco here

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